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fuck yeah arthritis


design research methods + laser cutting + teamwork


For this project, we were tasked to redesign how a user base of our choice interacts with a certain type of media.

We decided to investigate how we might help older generations to feel more included in current media interactions and inspire them to feel happier when viewing their media rather than nostalgic.

(Avenir Light)



For this project, we were tasked to redesign how a user base of our choice interacts with a certain type of media.

We decided to investigate how we might help older generations to feel more included in current media interactions and inspire them to feel happier when viewing their media rather than nostalgic.

(Brandon Grotesque)



For this project, we were tasked to redesign how a user base of our choice interacts with a certain type of media.

We decided to investigate how we might help older generations to feel more included in current media interactions and inspire them to feel happier when viewing their media rather than nostalgic.

(EB Garamond)



For this project, we were tasked to redesign how a user base of our choice interacts with a certain type of media.

We decided to investigate how we might help older generations to feel more included in current media interactions and inspire them to feel happier when viewing their media rather than nostalgic.




For this project, we were tasked to redesign how a user base of our choice interacts with a certain type of media.

We decided to investigate how we might help older generations to feel more included in current media interactions and inspire them to feel happier when viewing their media rather than nostalgic.

(Palatino Linotype)



For this project, we were tasked to redesign how a user base of our choice interacts with a certain type of media.

We decided to investigate how we might help older generations to feel more included in current media interactions and inspire them to feel happier when viewing their media rather than nostalgic.

(Noticia Text)


THE PROBLEM (Lulo Clean)

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Avenir Light)


THE PROBLEM (Lulo Clean)

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Roboto Thin (bolded bc they don't have Roboto Regular))



Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Avenir Light)



Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Work Sans Extra Light bolded)


THE PROBLEM (Lulo Clean)

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Work Sans Extra Light bolded)


THE PROBLEM (Montserrat) / The Problem

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Work Sans Extra Light bolded)


THE PROBLEM (Epilogue) / The Problem

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Work Sans Regular)

THE PROBLEM (Sora) / The Problem

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Work Sans Regular)

THE PROBLEM (Arial) / The Problem

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Avenir Light)


The Problem (Monteserrat)

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Work Sans Regular)

The Problem (Lora)

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Work Sans Regular)

THE PROBLEM (Sora) / The Problem

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Work Sans Regular)

THE PROBLEM (Work Sans) / The Problem

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Roboto Regular)


THE PROBLEM (Epilogue) / The Problem

Figuring out the dimensions of the side "wing" pieces and side and bottom panels and the positions of their notches proved to be a real challenge as well. It took many trial-and-errors to get them all to interlock securely.

(Roboto Regular)


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